
poemas traduzidos pro Inglês

ramonlvdias ( https://www.blogger.com/profile/05891813151601932341 ) acabou de me mandar 3 traduções pro Inglês de uns poemas meus:

unclouded hills

i see from airplanes
(for heaven's sake)

this yellow and translucent spider
fading into the still life of eve's

seven women for every man
and an immeasurable absence

i miss the maternal care
i miss the girlfriend's slippers aside of bed
i miss those times without any yearning
in peace and free of insomnia
writing imperfect poems

( poema original em http://poesia-fabio-rocha.blogspot.com.br/2013/07/montes-claros.html )


alaya vijnana

i hollow the dust of accomplished dreams
past and future tenses
in corroded treasure chests

side by side i engender
shapes and formulas
of three thousand years
ago when i was murderer

i hush days and nights
i hush eyes and blue seas
until the sound
become light

( poema original em http://poesia-fabio-rocha.blogspot.com.br/2014/08/alaya-vijnana.html )


steel shutters

so every night
the blank sheet
is moved by
the possibility
of masterpiece

the quiet moon sightsee
outside the window frame
every rhyme
every failure

( poema original em http://poesia-fabio-rocha.blogspot.com.br/2015/06/persianas-de-aco.html )

OBS.: Aqui deixo uns raros que eu mesmo já fiz em Inglês e Espanhol.

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